Thursday, October 21, 2010

Its Not About Hour Many Hours You Train

Its about how you spend your time:
Commitment - Commit to the workout. Commit to give it all you can, that day.
Consistency - A runner doesnt get faster running one week but not the next, or you don't get stronger pushing weights one week but not the next!
Challenge - Don't do the same as last week, challenge yourself with a new milestone - jump higher, run faster, lift heavier - shake it up.
4 quality hours are better than 10 mediocre.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Once in a Lifetime

You will meet someone with the courage to back their convictions no matter what. They will posses a convidence in themself that you can only dream of.

You can tick all the right boxes to guarantee success, everyone around you can believe in you, but if your mind is not on the same page, if you let doubt sneak in, it doesn't matter if everything around you is in the right place, you will jeopodise that chance at success.

People who are successful don't always tick all the boxes and certainly others don't necessarily believe in them, but that doesn't matter and they don't care! Instead they will push on and ignore those who don't want to come along for the ride. The power and control is within them.

Although I have met that person, I myself don't posses that courage naturally. I need to work at it. I need to believe, I need to back my convictions, and I need to finish what I start.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Have had a project I've wanted to get underway for some time, I am glad to finally say it IS underway.

Yes I am going to continue to blog here, like I have always been here and didn't go AWOL. No explainations, straight into it.

I am heading to Sydney on Friday for the IFBB Australian Titles. Looking forward to seeing it.