Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I'm just not one of those people....

... that knows how to do nothing! This is the first time I have had holidays and stayed home, but I am still doing 'stuff'. I've accepted thats the type of person I am, and even lying by the spa is not 'relaxing' its a tanning mission! I seem to have purpose to everything :)

I have tried now for 5 days straight to sleep in, but have woken every morning between 5 and 6am. At first frustrated, now I am embracing the fact my body clock ticks to its own beat and best I just go with it. So even on holidays I have run, showered and eaten breakfast before 8am. I am really happy about this actually, better than grumbling about getting out of bed. So much of this beautiful weather to enjoy and I have the passion to savour every minute of this beautiful life :) you only get one chance right?

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